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Here’s the full breakdown – our “uncommon” approach and how to avoid Author Marketing Hell. Read through the different sections at your leisure – they all fit together.


Page 1 – What is Author Marketing Hell and how can you avoid it?

Page 2 – The Exposure Problem – why it’s not what you think it is.

Page 3 – Your Strategy of Influence – how to “pull” readers towards you

Page 4 – The Pyramid of Mico-Commitments – how to set the scene for future sales

Page 5 – The Journey to the Sale – the obstacles you need to overcome to convert “mildly curious” readers into “paying superfans”.

Page 6 – Next Steps and Bringing it all Together – here’s a pre-designed system you can use

got questions?

Shoot us an email at support@yourfirst10kreaders.com and we’ll take very good care of you.

Want me to show you how all this works? Join one of our on-demand webinars right here and I’ll walk you through it.

“Take your time to absorb the principles - I'm here to help if you need!”

— Nick Stephenson (That's Me)


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