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I want to work with you – side by side – to help you create extraordinary email campaigns that will help drive your exposure, sales, and growth. I’ll show you how to produce consistent email content that converts, and how to “pull it all together” into an automated system that drives exposre and sales to your business 24/7. Oh, and it’s all tailored to YOU and the nuances of your business. Scroll down to find out more.




Throughout this Email Marketing Unplugged (EMU) free series, I’ve demonstrated how using a content framework can help you reach the right people with the right content at the right time.

And now I want to work with you to implement this framework in your business, so you can create an email marketing “system” that will turn your casual readers into loyal fans (and buyers) and give you the tools you need to improve your launches and boost exposure to your backlist.

In short, I want to make email marketing FUN and EFFECTIVE – and I want to help you automate and scale your efforts so you can spend more time writing (or anything you like).

Let’s explore how we can do this, together…

You’ve already experienced how I’ve used “emotional triggers” to evoke Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action – and how I’ve woven “stories” throughout the email series you’ve received and the article lessons you’ve read.

All of this was designed to give you context – demonstrate how this works in practice

In other words, you’ve experienced the kind of “email sales sequence” I want you to build for YOUR audience – one that delivers value first, sets the right context, and PULLS the *right people* in (so you can offer extra value to those who want it).

Building a “system” like this – that helps you use email marketing to delight your audience and cultivate motivated buyers – will be a game changer for you. Not just in the short-term, but for the rest of your career.

We’ve explored “how to write great content” and a specific structure to use in your emails to get the best response. We’ve also seen how all this can be automated to get results for you 24/7 and I’ve introduced you to the key “growth levers” – areas of your business you can focus on to experience exponential growth.

In other words, you can put the work in ONCE and then reap the rewards in the long term. Your launch emails can be re-used and re-purposed for your automated sequences, and your launch plans and templates will make launching your new books easy, fun, and more effective.

(And yes, I’ll show you how to plan, build, and implement these templates – then you can use them again and again for all your automated sequences and launches). 

“Taking the course, and having access to your feedback has made a huge difference for me.”

“Nick took showed us how to lead our readers by the hand, so that the emails we send are entertaining and also drive desire – whether it be to leave a review, enter a survey, or buy a book. He also helped us map out key automations that have saved me so much time. What’s awesome is that now I have confidence when I write my emails, and they’re FUN to write. Readers email me saying they enjoy reading them, which is a huge game changer for me. And, more of them are buying my books.”

Amy Waeschle, Author


But what’s the next step?

It’s not enough just to LEARN how to do all this. You need to EXECUTE on the learning and “build” your system out. You need to adapt it to suit your personal circumstances and the nuances of your business and your audience.

^^ It’s all about making this work for YOU

That’s where I want to help you take this further. But perhaps not in the way you think

Some more context: so many courses and “programs” bombard you with hours of video – but when it’s time to implement and execute on your learning, you’re left feeling high and dry.

We’re doing something a little different.

What if we could give you an end-to-end strategy to make email marketing work for YOUR business (and not just a “generic” plan) and then go several steps further… and work with you to implement it?

That means, not just giving you the learning material – but actually talking to you about the best way to implement it. Help you prepare an execution plan. Explore the “practical steps” of building, refining, and tweaking it.

This is all part of my goal to “step up”. To spend more time talking to YOU about what you need. Then helping you make it happen. Here’s what I have in mind… 


We’ll work together to build your email marketing system and get you up and running and seeing results in as little as 90 days.

I’ll level with you. The Email Marketing Unplugged – Class of 2021 program is not for everyone. It’s the “Cinderalla’s Shoe”. For some, it will be a perfect fit. Others won’t be ready, not yet. And that’s fine.

You’ve already seen “the prelude” with the EMU material you’ve seen so far – so my goal is not to “convince” you. By now, you already know if this is for you.

Going through EMU with you up until this point has also helped me gauge what a “best fit” looks like. Listening to your feedback (over 1,200 people have emailed in with feedback and comments) has helped me put myself in your shoes and understand what needs to happen for you to make this work.

So I want to pass that knowledge and experience on, and take personal responsibility to help you “make this work” – tailor it to your business…

…and make email marketing not just effective for you – but FUN.

The short version is, if you’ve read through the EMU series to this point – chances are I’ll want to work with you (along with a very select number of others). But whether you feel you’re ready or not – that’s a decision I’ll leave to you.

(And if you have any questions, just click this link to my inbox to get in touch with me personally).

before we get to the specifics of “who is this for”, let me show you what I’ve got lined up:

How the program breaks down


Over the course of 12 modules – both video and text – I’ll guide you through a deeper understanding of the three “pillars” of the EMU strategy: Create Amazing Content, Drive the RIGHT Actions, Automate and Scale.

At the end of each “pillar” your work will be assessed, and you can send your materials in to be critiqued and perfected.


I’ll work with you to develop an execution plan – and take the “learning” and put it into practice. Together, we’ll start building out your funnels and creating your templates – based on your requirements and timelines. I’ll guide you through the process, and you’ll be able to reach me via email at any time for help or assistance.


We’ll work together to identify your “growth levers” and identify the areas you need to focus on to grow. We’ll look at traffic, conversions, sales, AOV and AOF to make targeted changes where it matters most.


This is not a “go watch some videos and best of luck” program – I’ll be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll be able to bypass my support team and get straight into my priority inbox – meaning you get the right help when you need it most, tailored to you and your business. Whatever stage you’re at.



“We hit the top of the charts in several popular genres with no buzz. I rarely endorse anyone, ever. Consider this an endorsement. That should speak volumes.”

— Russell Blake - NYT Bestseller


The program is split into three core “Phases” – Learn, Execute, and Refine. With all three phases complete, your email-marketing system will be up and running and bringing you more sales, reviews, exposure – or any other objective you set – 24/7.

And you’ll have personal access to me – along with my guidance and support – every step of the way. That means, if you have a question – any question – you can always get the right advice, tailored just to you.

  • Not sure how to make all this work with your genre? No problem. I’ll work with you on it.
  • Don’t understand how to “build” everything out? I’ll help you make it happen.
  • Want me to look over your emails, launch plan, or funnel set-up? You got it.
  • Need to build a “funnel map” that suits your business? No problem – use one of the templates I’ve built for you, or I’ll help you design your own from scratch

Remember, my goal is to get you to EXECUTE. And I’m there for you to make sure that happens, whenever you need.

I’ve designed the program to last 90 days – by which time, working together, we’ll have your first funnels up and running. Need longer? No problem. You’ll still have access to the material and the coaching, so you can go at your own speed.

Here’s how the core Phases are broken down:



Pillar One: Create Amazing Content
  • Module 1 – Barriers to email
  • Module 2 – Setting your objective and tone
  • Module 3 – The AIDA and HTOC frameworks
  • Module 4 – Your “big idea” through to execution



Pillar Two: Drive the RIGHT Actions
  • Module 5 – Using EMU for a launch or promotion
  • Module 6 – Designing your Pre-launch
  • Module 7 – Launch day strategy
  • Module 8 – Post Launch and beyond



Pillar Three: Automate and Scale
  • Module 9 – Your welcome & nurture series
  • Module 10 – The structure of your funnel
  • Module 11 – Growth levers, open rates, click rates and more
  • Module 12 – EMU in the wild, and how to start building




  • Your execution plan in action
  • Choosing the right tools and software
  • Timelines, goals, and measuring success
  • Personal help – and customised plans – from me at every step




  • Tweaking the system to suit YOUR business
  • Metrics that Matter – Growth Levers
  • Ongoing support and customised help from me for up to 1 year




  • Custom “Funnel Maps” and downloadable templates (plus access to the software that will help you design them)
  • Private Facebook Community – get help and support from other students going through the same material (access opens after enrollment ends)
  • Downloadable examples of emails you can use for your launches, promotions, welcome series, and more
  • Get your work reviewed – at the end of each “Pillar” or “Phase”, you’ll complete an assignment to check your progress, and will be able to upload your emails, launch plans, and funnel maps for me to review – personally.


You’ll get full access to the video and text learning modules, and full access to me – to help you make this work for YOU – any time you need it.

This is not a “Beta” course. It’s not “Version 1” of a program that won’t get updated for years and will go stale. Email Marketing Unplugged – Class of 2021 is an interactive learning experience.

The learning material, case studies, templates, and other resources will be continually updated with YOU in mind. The program will never be “finished” – and as a student you’ll get free updates and upgrades for life (never pay extra) as the content evolves to meet your needs now and in the future.

This is not just a course – this is a commitment, from both you and me, to make this work for your business and your circumstances.

Because of the commitment involved, I’m restricting the number of people who can join this year.

So, if you’re wondering if EMU will work for you, here are my suggestions as to “who this is for” and who should pass:

If You Are:

  • An author, or creator of “online digital content”
  • With a growing email list (you don’t need thousands – some of our students joining only have a couple dozen contacts – but you should be actively growing it)
  • And you can commit to this process and are willing to execute on the learning
  • And you will ask for help, submit your work, and complete the modules

Then I definitely want to hear from you.

If you are:

  • Not actively growing an email list / have no framework in place to collect email addresses
  • Don’t have the time to commit to the work this year
  • Not planning on releasing anything new or promoting anything you already have this year

Then this program isn’t a good fit for you right now. And that’s fine. Take what you’ve learned already and apply it at your own pace, to suit your needs.


If you’d like to work with me to implement EMU in your business, here’s what will happen when you enroll:

You’ll get instant access to the module materials for Phase One, Pillar One – “Create Amazing Content”. The other materials will unlock as you progress, complete the multiple-choice assignments and submit your work for review.

(Yes, I’ll review your work personally).

If you prefer to work at a slower pace, that’s fine – the material will still be available for you when you’re ready (you get lifetime access).

You’ll also get instant access to me, and can ask questions via email or in the comments section of the course material – where you’ll also meet other students

The program is designed to be learned and implemented in 90 days – but when you enroll you will keep lifetime access to the materials and will be able to contact me direct for help and support for up to one year after purchase (so you can go at your own speed).

^^ 5 Figure Launch: Eevi uses Email Marketing Unplugged for her books & courses.


Email Marketing Unplugged – Class of 2021 is an in-depth video training program – with live support and coaching from me – that will get your email marketing systems up and running, tailored to your circumstances and your business.

We’ve designed the material so it can be implemented quickly. But you get lifetime access to everything, so you can go at your own speed.

Due to the intensive nature of the program, EMU 2021 will only be accepting a very limited number of students this year – so please be sure you can commit to getting stuck in before signing up.

I’ve put a lot of thought into how to price the EMU 2021 program to give you the maximum value and get you the best results. And where most “coaching” memberships can cost $3,000+ per year, or where “one-on-one” programs can cost several times more than that, this isn’t the route I wanted to go down.

In fact, I’ve made the EMU program more affordable than ever.

The cost of the Email Marketing Unplugged CLASS OF 2021 full training program IS JUST $497 $197

(Due to the horrific year we’ve all had, I’ve included a 60% discount for this release only – my way of helping make 2021 more than make up for it!).

All new students get full access to the materials and a full, no-questions-asked 30 day guarantee.

To partner with me on this, just CLICK THE ENROLLMENT BUTTON below and you’ll get instant access to the material and a direct line to my inbox


Choose an option below to kick-start your 30 day guarantee.

One Payment


One-time payment

Save $82 when you pay in full

  • Full access to all the training materials
  • Direct coaching from me via email
  • Send in your assignments and work for review
  • Full access to all the bonuses
  • 30 Day Guarantee
  • Updates for Life (never pay extra)
Enroll Now
Payment Plan


Six Month Payment Plan

Spread Payments over 6 Months

  • Full access to all the training materials
  • Direct coaching from me via email
  • Send in your assignments and work for review
  • Full access to all the bonuses
  • 30 Day Guarantee
  • Updates for Life (never pay extra)
Enroll Now
No Risk 30 Day Guarantee | Note: Payments May Include VAT if You are in the EU


What do I get When I Enroll?

You’ll get instant access to the course materials – the content will unlock as you progress through the lessons. At the end of each “Pillar” of learning, there will be an assignment where you will answer multiple-choice questions and submit work for review. Once you’ve successfully completed the “homework”, the next stage of learning materials will open up. This is definitely not a “Netflix Binge” course – I want to check your understanding of the learning material before helping you to implement and execute.

Is there a Guarantee?

Yes. If you change your mind within 30 days, just email to request a full refund – we’ll send your money back, no questions asked.

I don't have an Email List right now. Is this a good fit for me?

This program is designed to help you understand how to create compelling emails, how to launch and promote your books via email, and how to build out automated sequences so you can scale up. If you’re not actively growing an email list right now (even a tiny list will start getting you results), you will be better served by focusing on that FIRST. That being said, you get lifetime access – so if you’d like to take advantage of the 60$ discount you can lock that in now and use EMU whenever you’re ready. If you have questions about whether this is a good fit for you, shoot an email to my priority inbox using this form and I will give you an honest answer.

Will you REALLY be helping us personally?

Yes. When you enroll in EMU – Class of 2021, you’ll get direct access to my priority inbox and the help and coaching you need to tailor this strategy to your business and your personal circumstances.

What happens after 90 days? What if I'm not done?

Don’t worry – you’ll keep lifetime access to the course materials and you can call on me for help for up to 1 year after enrollment. You’ll also get free access to program updates for no extra cost (and there will be lots of updates, case studies, and extra goodies to come).

Do I Need to be a Technology Whizz?

No. Email Marketing Unplugged is not tied to any particular piece of software – so long as you can write an email, you’ll be just fine. If you need help making your email marketing software “do what you want it to” then reach out and I can help you personally as part of the coaching offer.

Need to Ask Me A Question?

No problem. Use this link to get in touch with me direct (and bypass the support queue).


Ready to Get Started? Click here to get instant access to everything.